My Résumé  

Posted by EO

14th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Ezekiel 2:2-5

Psalm 122:1-4
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Mark 6:1-6

This is the first time for me to write a reflection for God-speak. And what a nice coincidence that this Sunday’s Gospel reading is about how prophets were rejected! :)

Since I am a new comer, allow me to introduce myself and let you know my credentials:
I am a sinner. In my 35 years of existence, I have committed too many mistakes. Although none of these mistakes are illegal or could be categorized as crimes, yet they are the ones a Christian will not be proud of.

Nice resume for a reflection writer huh? It doesn’t end there though as I did struggle to straighten my ways... and until now, the struggle goes on. And along the way as I fight to follow the right path to Christianity, I decided I wanted to evangelize. I wanted to start small, with my friends. I thought that if I will be able to lead at least one soul to righteousness, it will be a big success for me. But how will they even listen? First of all, I am not a good speaker. Second, my friends despise preaching. Third, they know my past. (Fourth … and the list goes on) Once they hear me talk about the Good News they will say: “What’s wrong with our friend? Why is he speaking about God? Weren’t we just drinking with him the other night? Isn’t he just a sinner like us?”

Sounds familiar?

Yes, I am one of them. But I will not let a dark past get in the way of my mission to spread the light. I will not let it be the chink in my armour. Instead, I will use these bad credentials as my weapon in gathering His sheep back to His herd. I will use the same mistakes to relate to those who have the same experiences as I do. I will be a living proof that God is a merciful and forgiving God!

Lord, Your grace is sufficient for me for power is made perfect in weaknesses. I will rather boast gladly of my weaknesses in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me. Amen.”

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 5, 2009 at Sunday, July 05, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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